Our Mission
To build loyalty through honest communication and dependability!
Core Values
01 - Communication
Communication is paramount when executing our company's strategy as a full service logistics transportation provider. We understand the importance of communicating often, early and effectively in order to save our partners time and money!
02 - Honesty
Being honest with our Shippers and Carriers is crucial when presenting unique solutions to every challenge they may encounter. Let us share our industry knowledge with you so you are well equipped to make the most informed decision possible under any given circumstance.
03 - Dependability
We are only as dependable as our bottom line and find extreme value in keeping our Carriers’ wheels turning. With that said, the Fischer Logistics team will always be here to answer the call so our Shippers can rest easy at night knowing their freight is safely in transit and on schedule
for delivery.
04 - Loyalty
Our mission is to build our Shippers and Carriers loyalty through honest communication and dependability. We find value in growing continuous business relationships and will align this with the Fischer Logistics brand reputation for years to come!